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Portrait photography


This set of photos is my first time with taking portraiture photography. The name is: beautiful girl's face. The original intention of the creation is to show an innocent girl's expressions and record her emotions  by the way of photography. The biggest problem encountered in the creation was how to use light. How to have a good shadow is the focus of portrait photography. I'm still learning hard.


Equipment: Canon 700D



This is my first group of portraits I took after arrival in the UK. The names of this group of photos are called dreams and reality. The meaning of the balloon is given to the dream, and the meaning of reality is given in the black background. The height of the balloon is a symbol of the realization and control of the dream. Contrasting the black and white contrast to reflect the deep meaning of the photo.


Equipment: Canon 700D

I'm in the summer air.


This set of photos was taken during the summer of 2017. I called ‘I am in the air in the summer. The summer in Beijing is hot and tiring, and the photographer is wearing a red dress, which brings a touch of activity and passion to the airy summer. The subway and bus in the afternoon are not very crowded, it is suitable for shooting lazy summer days.


Equipment: Canon 5D III

Lovely Angel


This set of photos was taken in Turkey in the summer of 2018. While traveling, strolling in the park of Fethiye, a group of cute children are playing in the park, she is like an angel. Big eyes, curled hair. Bring life to the hot summer months.

Equipment: Canon 5D III

Purity on the gobi


This set of photos was taken in Xinjiang, China. It was also when I was traveling. We drove to a village with few people, in the depths of the mountains. This lovely child ran out without any precaution and greeted us. She began to pose when she saw that my camera was natural. Her smile is pure, her eyes are the courage and enthusiasm of the city children. They lack resources in life and do not speak Chinese, but she is still very happy.

Equipment: Canon 5D III

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Which of you is the one you love.


The original intention of this set of creative photos is ‘which you are the one you love. ‘We are growing up and will face many unexpected things. Will we turn ourselves into a lot of ourselves and face a lot of things we don't want to face?

Equipment: Nikon D3s

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